
Global Placements in IITkgp - The need of the hour

Company - Number of Students - Salary


Pimco 03 $1,00,000

Merrill Lynch 10 $84,000

UBS 06 $82,000

Deutsche Bank 04 $82,000

Oliver Wyman 01 $80,000

Bloomberg 04 $70,000*

Capital One 01 $60,000*

Total** = 30+


Lime Group 01 $90,000

UBS 01 $85,000

Oliver Wyman 01 $92,000

Total** = 30+


Lehman Brothers 03 $1,00,000

Bloomberg 05 $90,000

Deutsche Bank 03 $82,000

Capital One 04 $60,000*

Total** = 30+


Lime Group 01 $90,000


Capital One 01 $60,000*

* - Tech(IT) positions.

** - including others of which, unfortunately I don't have any data.

Sources :- All of this information have been gathered from various websites.

Disclaimer - Purpose of this information is to make students and administration of IIT Kharagpur aware of opportunities available to students of other institutes and NOT to hurt someone's feelings about their institutes, I apologize in advance if such a situation arises.